Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thank You for the Reassurance

I do not regularly go to the Latin Mass available at my parish. I know we are blessed and lucky to have this beautiful mass regularly available to us. Most Sundays we attend the English version in our parish. It was after a Latin service we met a traditional Catholic family that gave us inspiration.

Living as a Catholic in a secular world can be difficult, we tend to have little support from our friends and family who are either cafeteria style cradle Catholics, non practicing or protestant. People look at our family with 4 children and wonder if we are completely crazy. The constant comments from people we care about, like "When are you going to get snipped?" can be very discouraging and allows us to doubt the path we have chosen. The task of living in full accordance with the Church's teaching on being to open to life in marriage would be impossible without prayer and God's grace. I often ask for strength and it was after attending the Latin Mass during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception that I received encouragement that gave me added strength.

My wife and I were getting the kids in the car and we were delayed by another family getting into their vehicle. We had seen this family as well as other large families at mass worshiping together. The father of the family apologized for delaying our entry into our vehicle. I told him not to worry about it. I know how it is to load up a large family. This sparked a brief conversation. He has 5 children. We chatted about what a blessing large families are and how generations past had it right. It seems that our Lord gives us the messages that we need when we need them if we ask for his grace, the prudence to know and do his will and to open our hearts to the Spirit.

How beautiful was it that we received this encouragement during a feast day for Our Lady, who never questioned God's plan for her. We are reminded that in marriage we have no better example than Mary and St. Joseph her most chaste spouse.

God Bless


  1. Just found your blog and glad I did. This post is particularly poignant. My husband is preparing for a v. reversal in two weeks. We have 4 children right now. The reactions we have received after telling folks about his upcoming reversal are all over the place. From happiness for our family to the weird looks and questions "Why would you do that? Dont' you have enough? You really want to start all over?" and "I'm glad I'm done. I couldn't think of having a baby now." It's been eye opening. I hadn't realized how many of the women I know have been sterilized. It is really a tragedy..and most of these women would not have chosen that path if their doctors hadn't told them to do it. It's sad. I am glad that you had your affirmation from Our Mother. Blessings!

  2. Dawn,

    Thank you for your comment, it is great to hear from some one who has been going through similar struggles. I am now looking at the questions I get about our rejection of BC as an opportunity to share our faith. My prayers are with your husband for a successful procedure and speedy recovery. God Bless you and your family.


    Thank you for sharing your story on your blog. It was inspirational.

    God Bless
